About Me

Hello, my name is Liju Augustine and I live in Chicago. Photography is more than just a hobby to me. I don’t know how I got passionate about it, but I remember borrowing a Russian made ‘Zenith’ from a friend of mine, and using it to shoot flowers from our house garden. I was fascinated by how that camera aligned the two half circles in the viewfinder to form a perfect circle to indicate the correct focus. That was many many years back, but that probably was the first spark, that induced in me, the interest in photography.

Since then, I’ve owned a couple of p&s film cameras and a Nikon N80. I was able to develop the ‘photographer’s eye’ using all these cameras. But, to be honest, even with that excellent N80, I’ve never made any serious efforts to master the art of SLR photography. But all that changed after I got my D90 and my interest in photography (#photography) quadrupled (at least that’s what I would like to claim), since then.

As with most of the photographers, my initial focus was on landscape photography, but in the past few years, my focus is more on flash photography and events. I’ve done many small and large events and so far the response has been encouraging.

Please leave a comment or suggestion on my pictures. I promise to improve. If you would like to participate in this blog, please subscribe by clicking the ‘Sign me up!’ button. Also, if you have some ideas to share, please let me know; I will be more than happy to post them on this blog. Let’s all learn by sharing.

My photo equipments :

Nikon D700
Nikon D7000
Nikon D90

Nikon 70-200 mm 2.8
Nikon 85 mm 1.8
Nikon 50mm 1.8 DX
Nikon 17-55mm DX

Slik Pro 330 EZ Tripod & SM Monopod
Flash: SB910 & SB800

Other accessories:

Nikon ML L3 Remote control,
Circular Polarizer, Impact lightstands and umbrellas.
Nikon Battery Pack etc.

6 Responses to About Me

  1. David Bowers says:

    Love your tip about focusing manually with zoom, in live view! Hadn’t thought of that. Great site. Keep up the great work!

  2. George Vibin says:

    Hi Liju chetta i just found out about this web from your face book account. Thank you for having such an informative web page. I was browsing through the pages and there is lot of tricks and tips that you sharing. Good job and keep it up 🙂

  3. Johan Knoetze says:

    Hi Liju, I must say, thank you, I am using Canon, fairly new to thus passion of mine, learning and reading as much as I can, and you know what, also learning through my mistakes. My camera have not these settings you were discussing but certain ground rules did come out, i.e. before any shoot make sure your settings is suitable. Your photo’s that I have seen is really amazing, I think, and I have made a mental note to go and see what the Canon will give me if I go and do the manual setting on colour and exposure as you have done. Thank you again. Regard from a warm and sunny South Africa

    • Hello Johan,

      Thank you for your encouraging comments. As you mentioned, the only way for us to improve is to learn from our mistakes. That’s the reason why I have a separate category called ‘you learn from my mistakes’. I know many of my posts are based on my experience with my camera (D90), but you should be able to find similar settings with Canon (For example, Tv mode is shutter priority in the world of Canon, while for Nikon, it’s S mode). I will soon post an article on how I use manual mode with my camera. I’m still learning and I promise to share when I learn something new. Btw, don’t forget to share some of your pictures with me and other readers.

      Liju Augustine

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